Friday, August 22, 2008

The Doctor

Yesterday at 2pm was Dad's appointment to meet with the doc again. Mom called me at 3:45. "The news isn't good", she said, I was thinking, it hasnt been good since all this started 4 years ago. Stage 3B lung cancer is when the cancer to spreads to lymph nodes in the neck area on the same side of the body as the infected lung. Stage 4 is when it starts to attack other organs. Dad has some fluid on the outer lining of the stomache, it's cancer. Theres that damn 6 letter word again. I am waiting for the breakdown to hit me, it will, eventually. I want to tell my Dad that we'll be okay, that I will take care of Mom. That I am sorry for what he is going through. That I wish I could take it all away....
After a restless night
of tossing
and turning

and unremembered dreams

I awaken to the sound of rain and am oddly comforted ~

I do not weep alone.

The sadness is heavy,
threatening to burst through the numbness. ...

my dad has cancer...
One word six letters.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me?"

What idiot said that?

One word six letters
my life
will never be the same.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


That one word, six letters, is getting to you. Find a group that you feel comfortable with and talk to them. The dreams are a warning that the stress is getting to you. Know that I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.