Saturday, July 26, 2008

Well, another sleepless night for me.
It keeps running through my head about Dad and Mom and what she will do if something happens to him. I am a mom, and when my kids hurt, I want to pull them close and take thier pain away. I never knew I would feel that way for my parents too. It is funny as we get older, we are no longer our parents "kids", but thier protectors and thier strongest support. We are, in a sense, giving back what they have given us. We have done what we can do get the VA to pay for Dad a visit here in SLC to get a 2nd opinion at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. They say they cannot pay, even with a referral from his current doctors. I think that that man, (My Dad), has served twice in Vietnam and the VA offers him band aids to cover the cancer. That what if feels like to me. Don't we owe them so much more? We are here because they fought for us and our country. And we thank them by giving them band aids. I seem to be rambling, but I suppose that is what a blog is for. Take care all, have a happy weekend!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


As most of you know, Dad was diagnosed with Emphysemia and COPD in August of 2004. He then was diagnosed with lung cancer a year later. He had the lower lobe of his right lung removed in April of 2007. He was then cancer free but in so much pain. Last week we learned that the cancer is back and has spreda to some lymph nodes in his neck area, since lymph nodes are connected by a highway of nerves, I am thinking it could be elsewhere as well. They have told us he is not a candidate for surgery as he would not survive. He was given the option of radioactive therapy. He is pondering this one over as he is tired of being sick and in pain. I love my Dad, and am beside him no matter his choice. I know that he is tired, and I want him to be okay again.


Here we are, starting a blog. It does seem a bit better than emailing everyone with updates, especially with Dad's health changing daily it seems. I will try to update as often as I can, if there are any suggestions you ahve, let me know!