Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dear Dad
Your eyes I see no more, But my heart holds your smile.
I hear the Angels fluttered wings,
And I know your here with me for a while.
My arms cannot touch you,
But my reach is sent up above.

On your journey Dad, I'm sending Along a daughters love.
I had to say good-bye to you And that was so very sad,
For you were not only my Father,
you were the best Friend I ever had.

I'll see you in my dreams, That way I will never let you go.
And the tears that fall on my pillow,
Are because I wanted you to know...
"Dad, did you ever know You were my Hero?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I can't imagine....

Well, I am at a loss for words for the first time in...well....forever! No words can express my feelings. I feel empty most of the time, but do not share that with people around me. Mom is grieving too, she doesn't need to console me. My friends have never lost a parent, so it is hard to explain the way I feel. I miss my Dad, I think that I want to hear him say, "I love you too Bomo" just one more time, but even that wouldn't be enough. Thousands of more times would not even be enough. I will hear it again, in my dreams, or when God calls for me, and I will hug my Daddy;s neck and tell him how very much I love him and have missed him. Not one hour goes by yet that he does not enter my mind. I cannot imagine ever not thinking about him. They say time heals all wounds, it's not true, you just learn how to cope with your wounds in time. This wound will never heal. Some people say, "I can't imagine losing my Dad", well, I can't imagine it either, because it is real. Theres my loss for words writing. Good thing I am at a loss for words, huh? Thank you all for your continued support, I think the words others say are the best medicine. Take care of yourselves,

Monday, September 1, 2008


Arthur B Newberry, 67, passed away peacefully in his sleep
at 5:00pm on Labor Day,
September 1, 2008.

It has been a very long evening for me, feels like 2 weeks went by in 4 hours. I thank you all for your support and prayers for my Dad, he is with his loved ones in a much better place now. I talked to my Dad yesterday when I had Mom lay the phone on his face, he was sedated, but I told him I loved him so very much. He said.."I love you too Bomo (childhood nickname) and I will see you tomorrow afternoon". Well, it's tomorrow afternoon Daddy, and i will see you again soon.

Take care all